Closing ceremony held for Global Competency Enhancement (GCEP) Program:


Feb 27, 2014

On Thursday, February 6, 2014, a debriefing session and closing ceremony were held for one employee from Kikkoman Corporation, one employee from Sony Energy Devices Corporation and three employees from Toho Titanium Co., Ltd., all of whom participated in the Global Competency Enhancement Program (GCEP) held during the second quarter of the 2013 Fall semester.

During the debriefing session, each trainee delivered a short presentation in English about their experiences at APU and received feedback from English conversation partners and students who studied alongside them throughout the program.

Former Vice President* HIRATA Junichi began the closing ceremony proceedings with a speech before presenting each trainee with a certificate of completion.

The three trainees imparted words on their future goals and what it was like learning together at APU with students from a diverse set of backgrounds and cultures. Kikkoman Corporation trainee, Ms.CHIBA Ayami, said “not only did APU teach me a lot and give me a wealth of experiences, it also led me to wonderful friends I wouldn’t have been able to make elsewhere”.Mr.OWADA Goichi, from the Sony Energy Devices Corporation, said “in addition to improving my English language skills, APU made me more open minded and able to embrace different values”. Toho Titanium Co., Ltd., trainee Mr.UZAWA Tsutomu, said “I leave APU with the words ‘Don’t be afraid to make a mistake’, words one of my new friends imparted on me. I hope to continue with my English studies in the future.”

Following these words HR Supervisors from Kikkoman Corporation and Toho Titanium Co., Ltd., spoke of their impression of the GCEP Program, telling the trainees and other students that “the experiences and friends you made will be invaluable to you in the future. Please be sure to keep in contact with each other.”

The Global Competency Enhancement Program (GCEP) was developed to provide industry and business trainees the opportunity to experience our multicultural and multilingual campus environment while studying at the undergraduate or graduate level.

*Current Vice-Chancellor, The Ritsumeikan Trust

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