Undergraduate/Graduate School

What is Multicultural Cooperative Workshop (MCW)?

What is Multicultural Cooperative Workshop (MCW)?

APU’s multicultural environment

About half of APU’s 6000 students are international students from over 100 countries/regions

At APU, students of different cultures work alongside each other both inside and outside the classroom daily. To get the most out of this environment over their 4 years of study, students must acquire proper communication and multicultural cooperative skills. All 1st year students must take Multicultural Cooperative Workshop as a mechanism for acquiring the skills for a successful university life.

Class structure

Master the knowledge of multicultural collaboration learned in lectures through practice in small classes

① Lecture approx. 30 minutes

② Group work approx. 60 minutes

① Lecture to improve multicultural collaboration skills (Japanese and English separately)
② Small class to put into practice the knowledge and skills learned in the lectures (Japanese and English jointly)
*Actual class time is 100 minutes. The time allocation above is just a rough guideline.

Knowledge and skills for multicultural cooperation

Language barriers; Active listening; Communication styles; Diversity and inclusion; Stereotype; Group theory; and Cultural lens

Learn in small, international groups over a 4th month period

Students are divided into small diverse groups, considering countries of origin, nationalities, and areas of study. The groups are comprised of about half Japanese speakers and half English speakers. Over 4 months, these small groups work through discussions toward a final project that they must present at the end of the course.

TA(Teaching Assistant) support

Practice in the small classes is supported by senior student TAs. In addition to facilitating discussion, helping find resources, and giving feedback for the student presentations, these reliable TAs also offer advice on university life.

Group project

Students will use the diversity of their groups to propose an innovative plan based on a particular theme. In the process of creating a plan through repeated group discussions inside and outside the class, students build a relationship of trust that transcends language and cultural barriers. Some teammates become true friends. Presentations are given towards the end of the course, and a winning team is selected.

Skills students build in MCW

Global Mindset

  • Realize stereotypes, prejudices, and assumptions about those of other cultures.
  • Break away from the perspective of one's own culture to see and feel things from the perspective of people from different cultural backgrounds.

Advanced Communication Skills

  • Understand how communication methods differ and practice different communication styles according to the situation.
  • Gain curiosity about the cultural backgrounds and upbringings of others and become open minded.

Fundamentals of Multicultural Cooperation

  • Actively contribute to group activities by discovering what one can contribute as an individual of the group.
  • Make group members feel that they are respected for their individuality while instilling in them a sense of belonging to the group.